Why Being Cool is Counterproductive to People Falling in Love With You

I get it. You want people to like you. You want them to think you are fabulous and cool. Who doesn’t want to seen, heard and loved? It is a need that runs as deep as our need for food water and air. And who doesn’t want to feel safe and comfortable while doing so?

And yet, so much of the time, when given the opportunity to show we REALLY are, how many of us constrict? How many of us shrink, and hide, and take the safe route, and don’t show our real feelings when we are given the opportunity?

Screenshot 2014-08-26 16.32.21Here’s the deal – the REAL you, the you that sometimes  feels scared and shameful and guilty and afraid and sad and grief-stricken and fucked up sometimes is INFINITELY more interesting than any mask you could ever wear.

UNCOOLThe risk you take for falling in love and being seen and letting people fall in love with you is real. You could fall flat on your face. You could tell a joke that lands flat. You could reveal your truth to utter silence. You could ask for something you need or want and have someone tell you no. You could share your truth and offend someone or have them say you are just dead wrong. You even run the real risk of someone thinking you are too sensitive or even thinking you are straight up crazy. And you know what? None of this is who you are. These words are not the real you. These false perceptions are not the real you. The REAL YOU is the one that feels, that’s messy;  that doesn’t always know what to do. The real you is the one that is just taking it day by day and trying to figure things out like the rest of us. The real you is the one that’s scared sometimes, that wants to be seen, to know your life matters, and to share your gifts with the world.

And you know what? I have good news for you. There is nothing that anyone can say or do in this world that can take your truth from you. NO WORDS that have ever been uttered by you, your parents, your friends, your teachers, or some random asshole on Facebook who wouldn’t have the balls to say in person what they are posting can change the truth of you, your value, your worth, your deservedness, your worth is NOT negotiable. It’s not for sale. It cannot be altered. Listen to the words I am saying: the truth of you CAN NOT be altered. It runs so much deeper than any words or actions anyone does and even your body or time and space. You are beautiful and lovable and worthy simply because you ARE and nothing can change that. And it’s only when you share the real you , that you can know who your real tribe – and life partner is.

Unknown-1Unknown-2So go ahead…dare to be “uncool” and show someone who you are…you just might be the permission they were looking for to share THEIR truth!


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The Law Of Attraction Cliff Notes

images-2There is a LOT of information out there about the Law Of Attraction! Here is a basic summary and some tips on how to practically and deliberately begin utilizing it to co-create what you want in just minutes.

1)  We are not merely flesh and bones, we are infinite energetic beings with unlimited potential.

    2) The Law Of Attraction states like attracts like…essentially, we can use our energy/vibration to attract what we don’t want, or we can use it to attract what we DO want.

    3) Every situation is really 2 situations. We can choose to lament and ruminate about the contrast in our lives or we can use it to help us hone our preferences and then use those preferences as a springboard to take inspired action.

    4) Once you know what you DON’T want, the next step is to figure out what the ideal opposite is, a.k.a. what you DO Want. For example, we can lament that we feel alone and unsupported, and then from that we can clarify the ideal opposite  – i.e. that we want to feel supported  and have companionship.

    5) If the piping system we are currently using (an analogy for our thought patterns) is not producing the results we desire, the best solution is to “lay new pipe“.

    6) We only need to focus on a new thought for 17 seconds (that’ s it!) to begin to activate a new vibration within ourselves.

    7) As our vibration rises, we will see more of the “do wants” flowing into our lives.

    8) You can’t get it wrong and you’ll never get it all done. We are expansive beings by nature and contrast serves the purpose of helping us hone our preferences of what we wish to co-create. That is why contrast exists. There is always a new level to explore, and we should never fault ourselves for where we are or were. It’s simply where we are or were!

    9) Forgiveness of self and others is a release of resistance and allows more positive manifestations to flow into our experience.

May today be the day you begin to remember who you truly are, and manifest all you are capable of!



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The Fastest Path To Manifestation

images-1The fastest path to manifestation is to steer your thoughts in the direction of that which you want. When you line up with what you want, when you can use your mind to get yourself into the state of feeling as if you already possess that which you want –  when you can almost see, touch, taste, and hear it – and feel good about it –  that is what is meant by alignment. It is the fastest path to manifestation, hands down, because simply going into the space of “as if” is an act of faith, and when you have faith, and when you are willing to believe, the universe will move mountains to see to it that the manifestation occurs. All sorts of events will occur, some seemingly random. I assure you they are not, they are a result of your alignment!

A common misconception is that when you are aligned, when you are utilizing the law of attraction (which, by the way, you can’t ever NOT be utilizing) but that when you purposefully using the law of attraction, that you will be sitting around on the sofa waiting for stuff to show up on your doorstep.

Unknown-4While I am not discounting this being a possibility (wink, wink) what is more likely to occur is inspired action. When you are truly aligned, you will suddenly get the desire to go here, do this, read that, call this person etc; and it will lead you to solving a piece of the puzzle towards the vision you have created with your mind. It will feel fun, it will feel aligned, you will know it is the right thing to do, and wild horses couldn’t stop you from doing it. (ego check: it should also feel peaceful as well as compelling, to make sure it is truly of your higher mind and for your higher good.) It will feel fun, fun, fun to feel this aligned and feel this much synchronicity!

Sometimes people have trouble manifesting. In my experience working with myself and others,  99.9% of the time that is because of a subconscious block, a.k.a. resistance or as I prefer to call it, “split energy”. Split energy is when your thoughts, feelings, behaviors, actions – and SUBCONSCIOUS THOUGHTS – are NOT congruent. It is if all Unknown-1trains are not going down the same track nor moving in the same direction. Often – usually – part of this has it’s roots in the subconscious mind. 95% of your behavior is driven by the subconscious mind. Luckily, modalities such as EFT, NLP, meditation and hypnosis can all release this split, or blockage, or resistance. Regardless of what you name it is essentially the same thing – incongruence. Alignment is when your thoughts, feelings, words, vibrations, behaviors, and actions are all in alignment and congruent with each other.

Split energy is when they are not.


Alignment is fun and effortless, and feels like everything is falling into place in a wonderful way which you couldn’t have imagined. Often it is better than you could have come up with yourself, because God/the universe (or whatever you want to call that which creates worlds) is that creative and awesome.

Split energy feels effortful, like you are running in circles, like you are working hard. For some reason our society has glorified hard work that feels like suffering. While I am not discounting putting in effort (I certainly do!) there is no reason it has to feel like struggle. It is possible for the effort to feel fun and fluid and easy and well – effortless.  That is another sign you are aligned – it will feel fun and inspired. You will WANT to take action, as opposed to feeling obligated. Doesn’t it always feel better to give from the heart as opposed to from obligation? When you are aligned, you will know your truth as a divine co-creator born from, and made of love, and all of your actions will be an expression of that truth.

Releasing split energy is INNER work. What is really going on is that you – or rather your subconscious mind  – is getting in your way. That is why inner work pays such ENORMOUS dividends…because 95% of our behavior is driven by the subconscious mind.

images-5The good news is, you CAN influence your subconscious mind. Positive change CAN occur, in a way that feels fun, effortless, and is highly efficient for you. On the contrary, taking an external action journey without changing your programming is simply inefficient. My analogy for this is if you put a master copy in a Xerox machine, and you hit “copy”, you will keep getting the same result. In order to change the result, you have to change your MASTER copy. In this case, your master copy is your subconscious mind. Imagine trying to get a different copy to come out, without changing the master copy – that is insanity! Trying to create a different outcome without changing your programming is similar.

Unknown-3Changing your programming = different result. It is by far the fastest and easiest path. So now, my question for you is, what do you want to create in your life now? And do you want to take the hard road, or the conscious, joyous, more efficient path?

coachingheadshotJennifer Gaynor-Yaker , CHt, is a certified life and relationship coach and  hypnotherapist. She is also certified in Neurolingustic Programming and EFT with Source Technique™ at the mastery level, Pilates, and yoga, and is a Feng Shui fanatic. She specializes in helping people find and release their hidden blocks or “blind spots” that are holding them back so they can easily step into manifesting the life they truly desire. Her approach addresses all levels – mind, body, and spirit, and home. She lives in Venice, CA, with her husband Richard who is also a life coach. Together, they own Conscious Life Coaching. The company’s mission is to help others co-create their ideal lives in the most conscious, joyous, and efficient way possible. You can visit them at www.conscious-life-coaching.com for more information.

If you would like assistance re-programming your subconscious mind, email support@conscious-life-coaching.com. Put “I’d like to schedule a complementary Discovery session” in the subject line.






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How To Deal With Family And Have A Happy, No-Stress Holiday Season

holiday_stressAh, the holidays. The time of year when the weather is cooler, we have time off of work, we get together with friends and family – and potentially have our buttons pushed by those related to us. If you think you are the only person on the planet who has had internal or external conflict with your family during the holidays, rest assured – you are not alone.

Here’s how to cope, and have your holidays be a fun, joyous, and peaceful experience – no matter who comes to Thanksgiving.

Holiday-Stress1)  Be aware of your own stress level, and take steps to manage it. It is so easy to get frazzled during the holidays. There is more to do than usual, and many people feel pressured to buy the perfect gifts, wear the perfect outfits, and host the perfect parties. Crowded malls and traffic systems don’t help. It helps to take a step back and know what your values are. For example, if you value love, ask yourself the question, how can I be more loving to myself, and to others? Please note, this doesn’t have to be something monetary.

stress-mom-holidaysFor example, allowing yourself twenty minutes to take a bath and/or meditate, and giving others around you the gift of yourself in a peaceful and loving state instead of stressed is a wonderful gift.  Another example would be, if you value peace, ask yourself if holding onto that grudge from ten years ago towards your mother is really bringing you it. Consider how you might feel instead (and what you would create) if you forgave her, which brings us to the next option…

images-22) Be willing to forgive. There is a quote by the Buddha that goes: “holding onto resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die”. In the case of families, you’ll very likely find that resentment can in fact poison both you and your family relations – even for decades. A simple remedy for this is to write out a list of everything you are gaining by holding onto a grudge towards someone. Then write out another list of what you will gain by forgiving that person. Then, check in with your own core values, and see which list is more in alignment with each choice. You may very likely find that you have more to gain by forgiving, then by holding onto the past.  This is best done before the actual event where you are meeting up with the involved individuals. If you get stuck and need help with this, consider hiring a professional (like a trained EFT or NLP practitioner) to help you release the emotions that are holding you back from moving forward. You have your own freedom and peace to gain by being free of unwanted emotions.

3)    Up your Emotional Intelligence: Emotional Intelligence is the ability to recognize how our actions affect our selves and others. A person who is highly emotionally intelligent has an ability to recognize effective management, control, and awareness of their own emotions and those of others.

12-28-09 ornaments118.jpgHere is a technique you can use to up your own emotional intelligence:  when someone says or does something that ruffles your feathers, PAUSE for a moment. Take a long slow inhale for four counts, pause for five counts, and then let the exhalation extend out for six counts. Repeat two more times. Then ask yourself, how would (insert core value) respond? For example, if one of your core values is humor you would ask yourself “how would humor respond?” If you have a core value of love, you could ask, “how would love respond”? You will find that you feel significantly better and see, hear, and feel better results when you live your life from the truth of your values, and not just from a knee jerk-reaction.  If you get stuck, imagine seeing, hearing, and feeling what it will be like to have peaceful interactions with your family, then work backwards.

If all else fails, you could also try imagining the person bothering you as a cartoon character. It’s hard to be upset when you are laughing hysterically.


4)    Stay Present. There is a yogic saying which states, “depression is caused by looking at the past, anxiety is caused by looking at the future. Happiness is in the present.” If you shift your attention to all you have to be appreciative of – including your family, right now – you are sure to notice a difference in the quality of your holiday experience.

Here’s to a happy, successful, joyous, loving, fun, and peaceful holiday season for all.

coachingheadshotJennifer Gaynor-Yaker , CHt, is a certified life and relationship coach and  hypnotherapist. She is also certified in Neurolingustic Programming and EFT with Source Technique™ at the mastery level, Pilates, and yoga, and is a Feng Shui fanatic. She specializes in helping people find and release their hidden blocks or “blind spots” that are holding them back so they can easily step into manifesting the life they truly desire. Her approach addresses all levels – mind, body, and spirit, and home. She lives in Venice, CA, with her husband Richard who is also a life coach. Together, they own Conscious Life Coaching. The company’s mission is to help others co-create their ideal lives in the most conscious, joyous, and efficient way possible. You can visit them at support@conscious-life-coaching.com for more information.

If you would like assistance uncovering your core values and coping with others during the holidays, email consciouslifecoaching@gmail.com. Put “I’d like to schedule a complimentary Discovery session” in the subject line.



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What Split Energy Is, How To Know If You Have It, & How To Clear It

What is Split Energy?

As teachers of the law of the attraction, one question my husband and I hear all the time is “so if I want this so badly, why haven’t I manifested it yet? By the mere fact that I want it, shouldn’t law of attraction dictate that I should have received it already?”

HiResThe answer to that is, the law of attraction is not so much responding to your desires as it is to what you are being – your essence – and your vibration, which are both the energetic combination of your thoughts and feelings, beliefs, and actions. For example, if you are desiring more money, but every time you look at your bank account you think about how little is in there and you worry how you are going to pay rent, the vibration you are sending out is one of lack, which is not a vibrational match for more prosperity. This is one simple example of split energy.

I define split energy as when your thoughts, beliefs, feelings (both conscious and subconscious) and actions are not all 100% congruent. Hence the “split” in the energy – when you have split energy, your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and energy are not all aligned with one another.

Here are more examples of split energy:

1) Consciously you say you want to be in a happy, intimate, & committed relationship, but either consciously or unconsciously, you have fears about what that would mean for you. Perhaps you fear getting hurt or you fear a loss of freedom of some sort. Etc. It could be any number of things. When I first did this I was clueless as to why Mr. Right hadn’t manifested, until I wrote out TWO PAGES of underlying, subconscious fears I didn’t even know I had! I attribute the wonderful, fun, and stable relationship I am in now to having cleared these fears a few months before meeting my husband. Having done the inner work paid off tremendous dividends. My experience with coaching clients on relationships is that once we clear the fears, the intimate relationship follows, typically within 1-2 months or less (sometimes it happens the next day!)

2) You want to lose weight, but subconsciously the weight provides some sort of a protective barrier for you, perhaps against being violated or hurt again etc. Most weight loss clients will reveal what that is when I Source™ them. Sourcing is an advanced form of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) which can easily and rapidly identify the root cause of a condition. My experience with weight loss clients is that once the emotional “charge” on the fears are brought down, easy and effortless weight loss follows.

3) You want to complete a project but keep procrastinating with it. Procrastination is almost always due to an underlying fear. This is another form of split energy.

How do I know if I have split energy?

The simple answer to this question is, you probably have split energy if you have wanted something for some time, feel you have “worked” on it, but it still hasn’t manifested. Beyond that, Source Technique™ is the most powerful technique I have ever seen or used to quickly, efficiently identify the root cause of someone’s split energy. There are also writing exercise you can do to help identify split energy.

How Can I Clear My Split Energy?

1)    Go general. “Going general “means to look at something from a broader perspective then where you currently stand. I remember hearing the esteemed Michael Beckwith once say “the problem is, when you are stuck in traffic, you can only see the bumper in front of you, and you think you’re stuck in traffic with no end in sight. Whereas, if you could see up above from the view of a helicopter, you’d see that just a mile up the road, there is an accident and the traffic will clear soon.”  Our lives are often like this traffic scenario.

Going general might look like looking at your bank account and realizing you have never actually been homeless, even though there is not as much money in your account as you’d like. Or looking at your dating life and realizing you have met some wonderful people lately, even though your ideal partner hasn’t shown up yet. Etc. When you go general, you are looking at things from a wider perspective. This alone should raise your vibrational frequency.

2)   Identify your split energy and employ means to remedy it. This could take many forms. Ideally, you want to include some means of bringing down the “charge” associated with any fears or resistance you may be having once you identify them (EFT is ideal for this) and then re-programming your entire system for success. Usually this is done through affirmations. Guided meditations and hypnosis are also very powerful remedies for re-aligning energy. When your thoughts and feelings, beliefs and actions are all congruent, you are primed for ease and success of manifestations.

Having trouble identifying your split energy? Want to re-program your entire system for success? That’s what we are here for.

images-4If you would like to explore how having a coach can help you align with and manifest your desires, email us at support@conscious-life-coaching.com.  Put  “I’d like to schedule a complimentary Discovery session” in the subject line. We’ll email you back within 48 hours with some available times. By the end of the session, you’ll have had a chance to 1) clarify your vision 2) identify some of what you blocks/split energy are 3) be given possible solutions.

coachingheadshotJennifer Gaynor-Yaker, CHt, is a certified life coach and  hypnotherapist. She is also certified in Neurolingustic Programming and EFT with Source Technique™ at the mastery level. She specializes in helping people find and release their hidden blocks or “blind spots” that are holding them back so they can easily step into manifesting the life they truly desire. Her approach addresses all levels – mind, body, and spirit. She lives in Venice, CA, with her husband Richard who is also a life coach. Together, they own Conscious Life Coaching. The company’s mission is to help others co-create their ideal lives in the most conscious, joyous, and efficient way possible. E-mail them at support@conscious-life-coaching.com and put “I’d like to schedule a Discovery session” to receive a complimentary Discovery Session with Jen or Rich.




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How To Avoid Overwhelm And Still Get Where You Want To Go


Towards the end of my 17-day honeymoon in Hawaii, I started freaking out about all of the things I needed to do when I got back home. I knew I was ready to expand my career and create an even better lifestyle, but everything that I felt I needed to do get there just seemed so daunting. To give you some background, I left my J-O-B in November 2012, and have been completely self-employed since. I don’t have a boss delegating responsibilities to me. It’s completely up to me now how I spend my time and energy on a day-to-day basis. And unlike having a salaried job, if I goof off on Facebook or play Words With Friends too long – I don’t get paid. [not saying you are doing that – are you? Maybe we should talk ;)] Being able to motivate myself and take care of tasks is crucial to my business actually growing,

I have noticed a pattern of getting answers during meditation, so one day I meditated on the question “How can I get where I want to go without feeling burdened by overwhelm?” The answer I got was a bit cryptic, but I was able to distill out the message. I saw an image of bricks being laid, one by one, and eventually becoming a foundation, and then a house, which is sort of appropriate, because one of my personal biggest motivations, other than the sharing of my gifts and serving others, is to be able to own a home with my husband one day, preferably sooner rather than later.

The message I got from this image was “one brick at a time”. You build a foundation, and then a structure, “one brick a day”. I was in awe of the simplicity of this message, but it made perfect sense. You build a career, a business – a life – one brick, and one day,  at a time. There is no other way. (If you know a better way, please do share in the comments below!)

imagesI have been implementing this goal of one brick a day since I got home, and I have to say,  I have gotten more done than I did before. It doesn’t mean that I only build one brick a day (some days- many days- I get on a roll and lay several, and some bricks are bigger than others), but it means I am committing to laying at least one brick a day. What that means is that even on days where I am off – you know, the days where you wake up and everything seems more of a chore than usual, and getting to your workout or even just making breakfast seems like an enormous feat– I still lay at least one brick. If I have laid one brick, I am off the hook from self-flagellation.

Except lately I felt myself trying to push myself – I even heard myself get anxious and say “but what if you laid 3 bricks a day??!”, so I tried to make that my new goal. Unfortunately, instead of feeling inspired by this new goal, I have felt more tired.

So I meditated on it again, and here is the answer I got: One brick a day is 365 bricks (tasks) by the end of the year. (This adds up to 730 by the end of 2 years, 1,825 tasks by the end of 5 years, and 3, 650 by the end of ten years. Though I get the feeling that at some point there is some sort of a tipping point and growth becomes exponential. I’d love your thoughts on this too.)

That may not seem like a lot, but think about your current task list. If you were to distill out the 365 most important things you could do this year, and you actually did them, how different would your life be like a year from now?  

What comes to my mind is the tortoise and the hare story. The tortoise did not stress himself out, he just stayed consistent and committed to his goal, and still achieved his desired results, even though the hare got a faster start. As you will hear me repeat, the key is consistency – not craziness. 

The next time you are feeling overwhelmed, try just committing to laying one brick a day. Just make sure it’s the most important brick you could be laying that day.

PS On the topic of procrastination – there are other reasons why you may be procrastinating, the most notable of which is something called split energy, which I will be covering in my next article, though I will only be sending that blog out to people on our private e-mail list. If you would like to receive that article, feel free to enter your name and e-mail address in the upper right hand corner of this website, and that and other free resources to help you get where you are going will be on your way. I dislike spam too, and I don’t sell emails. I send out resources to help you life the life you want as well invitations to events I am hosting and special offers for coaching, etc.

coachingheadshotJennifer Gaynor-Yaker, CHt, is a certified life coach and  hypnotherapist. She is also certified in Neurolingustic Programming and EFT with Source Technique™ at the mastery level. She specializes in helping people find and release their hidden blocks or “blind spots” that are holding them back so they can easily step into manifesting the life they truly desire. Her approach addresses all levels – mind, body, and spirit. She lives in Venice, CA, with her husband Richard who is also a life coach. Together, they own Conscious Life Coaching. The company’s mission is to help others co-create their ideal lives in the most conscious, joyous, and efficient way possible. If you’d like to receive more articles like these as well as other free resources from Conscious Life Coaching, enter your name and e-mail address in the top right corner, and they will be on their way shortly. 

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6 Steps To Getting Back On The Horse After You’ve Been Knocked Down

It’s happened to the best of us. You have a great idea or project (or relationship!) you are working on, and throw your hopes, resources, and self into it, only to have things turn out…not the way you wanted them to.

Here’s how to get back on the horse and ride again, my friends.

1) Forgive Yourself. I’ve listed this one first for a reason – it’s the most important step! Time and time again I see clients and friends holding themselves back from moving forward because they are beating themselves up for something they did in a previous time.  This just isn’t necessary. We all make mistakes, it’s a completely natural part of life, and part of the learning process. If you are able to identify what you have learned from the situation, then you are well on your way to the situation having served it’s purpose.

In the words of Richard Bandler, one of the co-founders of Neurolingusitic programming (a.k.a. that thing Anthony Robbins does),  “there is no such thing as failure, only feedback”. Think about it.

2) Forgive Others. This step can be almost as hard as forgiving yourself, and sometimes even harder. There are MANY valid reasons to hold a grudge towards someone, especially if you feel they have wronged you (and in many cases, they visibly have!). Listen up, because this is really important: you don’t forgive other people for THEM; you forgive other people for YOU. As the saying goes ” holding onto resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die”.  Another way of looking at it is when we are holding onto grudges and other heavy emotions, it is like trying to climb a mountain with a bag of bowling balls on our back. It’s just not very effective.

When we let go of grudges and resentment, it is like we are setting down the bowling balls and are able to travel more lightly through life. As one of my coaches so poignantly used to ask me “would you rather be right, or would you rather be happy?”.

Forgive others. Forgive Yourself. You’re worth it.

3) Figure out what it is that you want. This sounds so basic, I almost didn’t include it,  but it’s SUCH an important step I couldn’t leave it out. Here’s where many people get so mixed up: we spend so much time worrying about what we DON’T want, that it pulls focus from what we DO want.  Again, it’s not something else to beat yourself up over, just make a shift in your focus. By becoming aware of your thoughts, feelings, and words, you can begin to re-focus your attention and energies onto what you want to create from here on out. As the saying goes: “energy flows where attention goes”.

Manifestation tip: sit down and write out a list of  what you want to come into your life. This is most effective if it is future-paced; i.e. if you want to be in a relationship, you could write down the statement something to the effect of “I am in a happy relationship with the perfect mate for me”. If you want to lose weight, you could say something like: “I am at my goal weight and enjoying the ease and freedom I feel in my body’ . If you feel stuck in a dead-end job, you could write something to the effect of “I am self-employed, doing what I love to do, and easily making a six-figure income”. Whatever your dream is, go for it! (And keep the affirmations in a place you can see them often).

Here’s the great news: it doesn’t have to make sense and you don’t have to know ANYTHING about how to draw these things into your life. If you have a clear intention and are willing to focus your energies upon them diligently, you will see the fruits of your effort.

If you are feeling resistance to this, don’t worry. It’s natural, and even if you are skeptical on a conscious level, your subconscious mind is ALWAYS  listening. If you keep reinforcing new, more positive beliefs into your mind, in time, they will become habitual thought patterns.

Just remember, your future does not have to equal your past. That’s just a myth. If you come at things at a different angle, you will get different results. Even one degree of a shift on a boat’s navigation system will send the boat in a completely different direction, and ultimately it will land at a different destination.

By simply being willing to focus your energy on what you desire you to the exclusion of everything else,  you are already paving the way for more good to come into your life.

4) Create a New Intention – so what if that last relationship didn’t work out. So what if your artistic aspirations didn’t work out the way you wanted in the past. Every day is a new day, and these things only have to define you if you LET them. The reality is, your life is a like a blank canvas, and you are creating the picture you see with your thoughts, words, beliefs, and actions. What picture do you want to paint NOW?

5) Line Up With Your Intention- this could take many forms. It could look like cutting out magazine pictures of the things you want and placing them on a poster board with inspirational words alongside them. (you can also do this digitally, by the way, on many sites). It could mean spending five minutes each day fantasizing about what it will be like when you receive what you are asking for. Essentially, you want to imagine what it will feel like to achieve your end result.

6) Act on it! – step six is a natural extension of step five (lining up with your intention). If you are truly doing the work to put yourself in the EMOTIONAL space of what it will feel like to achieve your end result, you will naturally begin to feel motivated to take action. You will know when you are ready because wild horses won’t be able to stop you from moving forward and taking action- it will be THAT compelling. Ideally, it will simultaneously feel peaceful, so that you know it is truly a desire of your heart- and not your ego. And the desires of your heart are there because they are meant to be fulfilled.

What are the desires of your heart? I’d love to hear from you in the comments  below!



Jennifer Gaynor, CH, MCP is a Certified Life Coach who specializes in helping  singles who don’t know why they haven’t attracted their mates attract them. She also has helped her clients overcome emotional eating and lose weight. By combining NLP, and a unique type of EFT (Emotional Freedom technique) Jennifer helps her clients to become free of their blind spots, blocks and limiting beliefs so they can easily attract what they want into their life.

Want more FREE resources and tips on how to manifest what you want? Fill out your name and address the box above and to the right.

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Transforming Lives with EFT

Transforming Lives with EFT by Jennifer Gaynor

Posted on April 25, 2012 by admin

The most interesting thing about facilitating healing sessions, is that you never know what direction it is is going to go. 9 times out of 10; when someone comes to me and says “I think it’s because of this” they aren’t aware of  the real root cause of their problem. They’ll say something like “I think I am overeating because of stress at work” then we “Resource”* (see explanation below) the issue and it and it REALLY started when they were 5 and their mother yelled at them for something. Or we find it is because they were abused on one or more occasions, etc. While it may be true that their current situation is triggering their habit or feelings; that is usually not the moment that the habit or feeling was CREATED.

Another aspect of the healing process is that most people, when faced with emotions that feel hurtful or uncomfortable to them, subconsciously make up a story about themselves. For example, a child whose mother yelled at them for reasons they didn’t understand when they were five is likely to make up a story about their self. Usually these stories take on some version of “I’m not worthy” or “I’m not good enough”. Then, every situation in life becomes an opportunity to expand on and reinforce this belief. Think of it as a table, and each situation that reinforces the belief becomes another leg holding up the table. If you can agree that we reap what we internally believe about ourselves and about life, than you can agree that it can be very limiting to be having these beliefs swimming around under the surface in our subconscious mind. And it has been said that at least 80% of who we are and what we manifest is directed by our subconscious mind.

The beauty of EFT (stands for “Emotional Freedom Technique) is that once trace down these “root causes” in the subconscious mind, we can eliminate the disruption in the body’s energy field (all negative emotions cause a disruption in the body’s energy field) that were created when the original event happened. We can also go in and knock down “table legs” that are holding up the belief that is holding them back. In its place, we instill new positive, affirmative beliefs that are more reflective of the truth and desires of the individual. The results are usually nothing short of miraculous, which is why I am so excited to be an EFT practitioner.


As for the results of my current workshop; two members showed up on the first day. One has stuck around, and lost 8-9 lbs since the first class. We have focused 90% on healing root causes. In her own words “I’m not trying very hard, I just don’t have the desire to eat as much anymore”.  In May, two more members will be joining her for the last session


*a technique derived from hypnosis that doesn’t require the client going “under” and reveal the true cause of a problem so as to be able to heal at it the Source)

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