The Power Of Visualization & Prayer

This morning I awoke before I was supposed to, at about 3:30 am.

As I often do when I wake up at random times, I went to check my iPhone 6.

I could have sworn I brought it home last night; but after 15 minutes of frantic searching,  I could only conclude that my iPhone was nowhere in our home.

A little while later, my husband awoke, asked me what was up, and started helping me search.

“Where did you have it last?” he asked.

I know for sure I had it last night at Baja Fresh, where I had indulged a bean burrito craving after a long day of work. (I am after all, a born, bred, and raised Southern Californian…Mexican food is simply a  part of our existence even if you’re not Mexican).

“I hope I didn’t throw it away” I mused, because I remember I had it sitting…right by my tray at the restaurant.

At this point, I started thinking about what I would be missing if I had, in fact, lost my iPhone.

As I voiced this to my husband, he said “it will all be ok. It’s just money”

It’s not the money I was concerned about, because as we all know, money comes and goes. What I was concerned about is the fact that not only is my phone my calendar and business central for me, but awhile ago, I also start annotating many of my ideas creative projects onto the notepad it has. There are pages and pages of notes on my current project on that phone.

We checked the cloud, and I had not in fact, synced my phone with  it (Note taken for next time).

I voiced this to my husband as well. He said” if the notes are important, you will cognize them again. Freaking out about this isn’t going to help you”.

Point taken.

At this point I felt my attachment to my phone lessening. I saw a broader perspective, that everything will be ok ultimately.

Before he left for work I asked him “Will you see me as having my phone with me”? “Of course” he said.

To explain why I asked him this, I should explain that for awhile now we have practiced holding visions for each other. For example, if my husband feels like he is coming down with a cold, I’ll say to him ”  I am seeing you as healthy and happy”. I don’t allow myself to indulge in any fear thoughts about it. Instead, I hold a vision of him flourishing in perfect health. I notice it usually goes away at that point. I do it for myself too: when I feel like I might be coming down with something or feel dis-ease in any way, I tell myself: “I love that my immune system is so strong. I love that my cells know how to perfectly rejuvenate themselves. Thank you body, for all you do, and thank you Universe for keeping me so healthy!”. At this point, the illness usually dissipates. (if you want to know why I do this, look up epigenetics, and in particular, Bruce Lipton).

But I am digressing. Back to the lost iPhone story: On my way to the restaurant to pick up my phone, I said a  prayer. “Thank you God/Universe for restoring my phone to me. I dedicate this situation to peace”.

I arrived at Baja Fresh right when they opened at 11 today. Luckily there was no line and I walked up to the counter. After a minute the same man who took my order last night asked me what I wanted and I said ” I am pretty sure I left my iPhone here last night”. He looked confused for a minute then said “what color is it?” “Silver and white” I said. “I have it” ha said. “Yay!” I said. “Where was it?”I asked. “Somebody found it while taking out the trash last night. You had thrown it away”.

The he handed my iPhone, in perfect condition. It was perfectly clean.

Let’s recap. Me in a moment of fatigue induced unconsciousness accidentally placed a $600 iPhone on a tray and threw it away. Not only did it get found, but the person was honest enough to return it. I didn’t have to buy a new iPhone, and I didn’t have to dig through the trash, nor did I even have to clean my phone, except to disinfect it with some rubbing alcohol when I got home.

It is now happily charging in the other room.

Would all this have happened had I not practiced visualization and prayer? God only knows, but I can tell you this much: Before I used to utilize them as a tool, my life did not run nearly so smoothly.

I texted my husband the news. “Want to hear my  fun miracle story for today? I asked him, then told him the good news.

“You are manifesting situations which shore up your beliefs” he texted back.

Yes, my love. That’s exactly what this is.

It was actually exactly what I needed to have happen this week.


Jennifer Gaynor-Yaker is a certified life & relationship coach, hypnotherapist, and NLP and EFT Practitioner certified a the Mastery Level. She lives in Los Angeles with Master Law of Attraction Coach, Richard Yaker. Together, they own Conscious Life Coaching and Conscious Dating and Relating. They specialize in helping people get past what is holding them back so they can consciously, effectively, and joyously co-create the life they truly desire.




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