Lately I have come across many people, both inside and outside of my coaching practice, that have a similar complaint. The complaint is: “But I have done SO much work on myself. Why am I still going through this S**T?
Oh, my brothers and my sisters, I feel you, for I had the same battle cry. I understand feeling like you have worked so hard…and yet your dreams and goals are still so far away.
What I feel called to tell you today, is that you can do it. You can stay the course. I know it just sucks that sometimes it feels like you are giving, giving, giving and working, working, working, yet still not seeing the rewards, but IT WILL HAPPEN.
You are closer than you think. Everything you want is just on the other side of an invisible door. It is right there, for you to soon touch, taste, feel, and behold. You can’t prevent it from happening, but you can delay it. You delay it with worry, fear, and doubt. You delay it by not loving yourself in every moment. You delay it by not forgiving yourself and others. You delay it with your grievances. You delay it with you judgments of yourself and others. But you could let all that go by being willing to forgive yourself and others.
If you could do these things, everything would flood in so fast, you would have a new set of problems, which would be how to handle all of the love, all of the abundance, and all of the joy that is flowing into your life. It would then become all about expanding your capacity to take it all in.
And that, my friends, is a good problem to have.
Don’t quit. Stay the course. Everything you want is on the other side of an invisible door.
You got this.
Love and Blessings,
Jennifer Gaynor-Yaker