I get it. You want people to like you. You want them to think you are fabulous and cool. Who doesn’t want to seen, heard and loved? It is a need that runs as deep as our need for food water and air. And who doesn’t want to feel safe and comfortable while doing so?
And yet, so much of the time, when given the opportunity to show we REALLY are, how many of us constrict? How many of us shrink, and hide, and take the safe route, and don’t show our real feelings when we are given the opportunity?
Here’s the deal – the REAL you, the you that sometimes feels scared and shameful and guilty and afraid and sad and grief-stricken and fucked up sometimes is INFINITELY more interesting than any mask you could ever wear.
The risk you take for falling in love and being seen and letting people fall in love with you is real. You could fall flat on your face. You could tell a joke that lands flat. You could reveal your truth to utter silence. You could ask for something you need or want and have someone tell you no. You could share your truth and offend someone or have them say you are just dead wrong. You even run the real risk of someone thinking you are too sensitive or even thinking you are straight up crazy. And you know what? None of this is who you are. These words are not the real you. These false perceptions are not the real you. The REAL YOU is the one that feels, that’s messy; that doesn’t always know what to do. The real you is the one that is just taking it day by day and trying to figure things out like the rest of us. The real you is the one that’s scared sometimes, that wants to be seen, to know your life matters, and to share your gifts with the world.
And you know what? I have good news for you. There is nothing that anyone can say or do in this world that can take your truth from you. NO WORDS that have ever been uttered by you, your parents, your friends, your teachers, or some random asshole on Facebook who wouldn’t have the balls to say in person what they are posting can change the truth of you, your value, your worth, your deservedness, your worth is NOT negotiable. It’s not for sale. It cannot be altered. Listen to the words I am saying: the truth of you CAN NOT be altered. It runs so much deeper than any words or actions anyone does and even your body or time and space. You are beautiful and lovable and worthy simply because you ARE and nothing can change that. And it’s only when you share the real you , that you can know who your real tribe – and life partner is.
So go ahead…dare to be “uncool” and show someone who you are…you just might be the permission they were looking for to share THEIR truth!